Olympic Museums

Directly access what interests you at The Olympic Museum…

Major centre of Olympic history, fostering dialogue between Olympism and the public... 

A collection of more than 30,000 documents and artefacts...

The Estonian sports history which gather more than 130,000 historical objects...

Discover the sports and Finnish sports heroes with an Olympic Games section...

In the center of Köln, 2,000m2 dedicated to sports and Olympic Games, from Antiquity to Present Day...

In the cradle of Olympic Games where the sporting and cultural heritage of the Games is preserved...

The memory of the 1988 Games continues to transmit the Olympic spirit to future generations...

Temporary and permanent exhibitions as so many testimonies of Polish sports history...

A museum to write down Qatar in the world sports community...

To enable young people to discover the Olympic spirit and values and to adopt them on a daily basis...

The Olympic Games and sports traditionally practiced in Sweden...

An interactive journey that celebrates the Olympic spirit...

A history of sport in China, from Antiquity to Present Day...

The olympic objects, invaluable witnesses of the Games, presented in a building inspired by The Olympic Museum in Lausanne...

Rich collections to picture the Olympic cultural landscape...

All sport disciplines and a visit turned into a show through the technologies of communication...

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