

Olympism365 is the IOC’s strategy aimed at strengthening the role of sport as an important enabler for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is the focus of Recommendation 10 of Olympic Agenda 2020+5.

The objectives of Olympism365 are to:

  • ensure more people, from more diverse backgrounds, benefit from participating in community sports programmes and accessing Olympism “365 days a year”;
  • improve societal recognition of the value and essential service provided by safe, accessible and sustainable community sports organisations;
  • increase and improve impactful collaboration between the sports movement, the health and social development sector, and for-purpose businesses.


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Sport, education and livelihoods

Developing transferable skills and increasing access to education, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

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Sport, equality and inclusive communities

Improving equality, diversity and inclusion across communities.

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Sport, health and active communities

Increasing access to safe, inclusive sport opportunities to increase physical activity, and improve mental health and wellbeing.

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Sport, peace and safe communities

Promoting peace and reducing crime and violence by helping people find a community and make positive social connections.

Delivery mechanisms

The concrete activities and initiatives that the International Olympic Committee collaborate and co-invest in through Olympism365 are:

Sport and social change programmes: sport and Olympism-focused social change programmes that create more opportunities for underserved communities to benefit;

People and institutional capacity-building: training and capacity-building offers relevant to a diverse range of stakeholders;

Policy advocacy: storytelling, thought leadership and policy advocacy; and,

Partner networks: learning communities to support the sharing of good practice, insight and learning.

Key principles

The following key principles are embedded across all Olympism365 priority areas and delivery mechanisms:

Solidarity: Working collectively under the principle of ‘stronger together’, and prioritising contexts and communities where need is greatest.

Safeguarding: Promoting safe sport and development opportunities that are free from all forms of harassment and abuse.

Equality and inclusion: Ensuring that opportunities are accessible to all, inclusive and free from any form of discrimination.

Sustainability: Delivering programmes in a way that promotes sustainable environmental, economic and social development.

Human rights: Embedding a rights-based approach programme planning and delivery, promoting sport as a human right, and ensuring every individual has the possibility of practising sport.